If your convention center isn’t clean, attendees won’t return.

When an attendee first walks through the doors, they will either feel relaxed or repulsed based on how clean your convention center is.

  • Sticky floors that feel like peeling velcro
  • Filthy restrooms that smell like urine
  • Glass doors covered in fingerprints

These are what 1-star reviews are made of.

Let LM Commercial Cleaning wow your attendees with an immaculate atmosphere. So they go back and tell all their friends about your convention center for weeks.

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An Unforgettable Experience Starts With An Unforgettable Atmosphere

Fresh Restrooms

Restrooms that look, feel, and smell clean will have your attendees raving about their experience for weeks.

Spectacular Auditoriums

Let your conference hall command attention with pristine floors, chairs, and tables.

Immaculate Lobbies

Impress guests from the moment they walk through your lobby with a gorgeous, clean atmosphere.

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Fill The Auditorium Again. And Again. And Again.

1. Schedule conference center cleaning

Contact us to book your cleaning.

2. Watch your facility shine

We scrub every inch to ready your conference center for the next event.

3. Stay booked year round

Impress your attendees, and keep them coming back year after year.

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Don’t Trade Toxic Germs For Toxic Chemicals

At LM Commercial Cleaning, we only use the safest, most delicate cleaning supplies to protect your attendees. Our cleaning products are made in-house by a professional chemist to ensure they are environmentally friendly, and attendee safe.

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