When we think of office cleanliness, our minds often drift to the usual suspects: the restroom, the kitchen, or the waste bins. However, the real culprit behind the majority of office germs is far more surprising and ubiquitous – it's the humble office desk.

Yes, you read that correctly. Studies have shown that the average office desk can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat. This startling revelation often goes unnoticed because desks don't fit the typical profile of a 'dirty' area, like a bathroom. But considering the amount of time we spend at our desks, touching our keyboards, mice, and phones, it starts to make sense.

The Hidden World on Your Desk

The average office worker spends around 8 hours a day at their desk, making it a central part of daily work life. Throughout the day, we eat, drink, cough, sneeze, and touch our desks with hands that have been everywhere. Crumbs from lunch, coffee spills, and even particles from our skin contribute to a thriving microcosm of bacteria.

Keyboards and Mice: A Hotbed for Germs

A study by the University of Arizona found that keyboards can have up to 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Keyboards and mice are constantly touched throughout the day, yet they are rarely cleaned. These devices provide an ideal environment for germs, especially when food particles and other debris get lodged between the keys.

The Phone Menace

Office phones are another significant source of office germs. We handle them frequently, and they come into close contact with our face and mouth. Yet, they are often overlooked during cleaning. A phone's surface can harbor a variety of germs, including those that can cause illness.

The Solution: Regular Cleaning and Hygiene

So, what can be done about this hidden hazard? The first step is awareness. Recognizing that our desks are not as clean as we might have thought is crucial. Regular cleaning of desks, keyboards, mice, and phones is essential. Disinfectant wipes can be a great tool, especially if used daily to wipe down these surfaces.

Encouraging good hygiene among office workers is also vital. Regular hand washing, avoiding eating at desks, and using hand sanitizer can significantly reduce the spread of germs.

Professional Cleaning Services

For a more thorough solution, professional cleaning services like LM Commercial Cleaning can be a game-changer. They have the tools and expertise to deep clean office equipment and surfaces, ensuring a healthier and more hygienic workspace.

Real Clean is Only a Phone Call Away

Don't let your office desk become a breeding ground for germs. Contact LM Commercial Cleaners today and take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more productive work environment.

Don’t Trade Toxic Germs For Toxic Chemicals

At LM Commercial Cleaning, we only use the safest, most delicate cleaning supplies to protect your attendees. Our cleaning products are made in-house by a professional chemist to ensure they are environmentally friendly, and attendee safe.

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